Look and Behold

As we entered into prayer with a fellow believer, we took him to the mercy seat as if it were a surgeon’s table. God began to minister healing springs of forgiveness and bodily restoration to him, and he drifted off in his mind and was overtaken by a tremendous sound, seemingly coming from heaven, that of trumpets and other instruments. It reminded me of Revelation 14:1-3. “Then I looked, and behold—there was the Lamb standing on Mount Zion ……I heard a sound from heaven like the sound of cascading waters (some translations say like the sound of many waters; rushing waters) and like the rumbling of loud thunder. The sound I heard was also like harpists playing on their harps. And they sang a new song before the throne” (Rev.14:1-3, HCSB).

What does John in the Bible see and hear?

Either John heard two or more sounds at different times for he describes in one sentence the sound of rushing waters and a sound like the rumbling of loud thunder, and in another the playing of harps. Could it be that he heard an orchestration of musical counterpoints and dynamic louds and softs played simultaneously, the pounding sensation of timpani against the arpeggiated and fluid fingering of harps against a fast-flowing metered counterpoint of flutes playing sixteenth notes in tandem with other orchestral strings, brass and woodwinds?

It says the sound coming out of heaven is like rushing waters and the rumbling of loud thunder. Perhaps the sound of thunder is the sound of timpani and crashing cymbals and trumpets and of low brass. Perhaps it is also that of invigorated singing, cheers and shouts, clapping and stomping of hundreds of thousands of those in residence expressing their loud and joyful praise and worship to the One who sits on high on His throne.

It reminded me of Die Moldau from Ma Vlast (My Fatherland) composed in 1874 by Bedrich Smetana. Listen to an excerpt and let it stir your soul. The composition is programmatic in its musical poetry in that it depicts the course of two small springs, the Cold and the Warm Vlatva, to the unification of both streams into a single powerful current, through woods and meadows and landscapes. As the two springs converge as a single more powerful current, listen for the surge in dynamics as all the brass and percussion join in, the “roar of a waterfall and like the earsplitting sound of a thunderclap.”  Can you hear the sound of cascading waters by the flutes and harp? Can you hear the thunderous clap of orchestral instruments and percussion and applause culminating into one large river, “the water of life, flowing with water clear as crystal, continuously pouring out from the throne of God and of the Lamb” (Rev. 22:1)?

“I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things, and when I heard and saw it all, I fell facedown to worship the messenger who showed me these things.” (Rev. 22:8).     

“All the people went up after him, and the people were playing on flutes and rejoicing with great joy, so that the earth shook at their noise” (1 Kings 1:40 NASB).

Copyright 2019 by Bill Hutzel


Go Deeper Lord – A Rooftop Experience

It was the early morning of our final day with the Global Awakening mission team that Peggy took the elevator to the rooftop where in quiet confidence she sang her passionate praises to God. 

The air was chilly, yet as a symbolic act of immersing herself in God’s living waters, Peggy stepped into the cold water of the rooftop pool and raised her arms by her sides as an expression of worship.  “Awake, O my soul with the music of his splendor, Arise, my soul, and sing his praises!” And so, there she awakened the dawn with her worship and greeted the daybreak with songs of light.

As a further symbolic act of going deeper in the Lord, she then fully submerged herself under the water seeking God’s deeper and higher calling, wherein His sanctuary she would find greater intimacy with God and hear Him speak in holy splendor words of promise. Shivers ran down her spine and throughout her entire body as the cold water startled her to the surface to gasp for air, and if she were not fully awake yet, she surely was now.  

It was also around the same time, just before sunup that I retreated to the rooftop to have my devotions. In my quiet time, I received a God Wink when I opened my Bible to a bookmarked page. The bookmark was a flash card in Portuguese with English translation. On it, it said, “Va mais fundo Senhor” which translated means “Go deeper Lord.” The card, also not coincidentally, bookmarked Psalm 108 where it speaks of our passionate praises, and of awakening the dawn with our worship and of God’s extravagant love which reaches higher than the heavens.

God was calling us, but not only to go deeper, but higher. “Your faithfulness is so astonishing it stretches to the skies!” (Psalm 108:4)

Va mais fundo e mais alto Senhor! Go deeper and higher Lord!

Copyright 2019 by Bill Hutzel


Between the Mountain and the Sea She Walked Alone


On the last day of our Brazil trip with Global Awakening, taking a stroll on a side street in the city between the mountain and the sea (Rio de Janeiro), we saw an elderly woman limping, visibly in pain.  At first, we ministered healing to the visible pain, and then the Holy Spirit moved us on to her heart. Hugging her, Peggy spoke love, affirming her value, letting her know God heard her cries in the midnight hours, how He loved her. We gave her a God- size dose of love, attention, compassion, and care.  This woman who was unnoticeable, almost blending into the streets, had a divine appointment with the God who loves and created her.

She hugged, and wept in Peggy’s arms, often raising her arms to receive God’s love and affirmation. We spoke over and over again, God never left you, he hears your cries and he sent us to hold you and let you know you matter to God. 

She walked away healed on the inside and with a less noticeable limp. Praise God!!

You can walk with a limp, but it’s even more difficult to walk with a hurting heart. -Peggy Castorri-Hutzel

Copyright 2019 by Peggy Castorri-Hutzel

Visions of Jesus and of Angels


And when they looked up, they saw no one but Jesus (Matthew 17:8)

Below are eight personal glimpses of Jesus entitled “Visions of Jesus.”

by Bill Hutzel

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Transformative Power of Jesus
I saw myself in the operating room, half-naked from my waist up, lying on an operating table. An intense beam of light from above was shining on me.  Sagrado coração de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.My chest was opened so that I could see in.  I thought of Psalm 139 which says, “Search me O, God and know my heart,” but God already knew my heart, I thought.

The heart had a fire in it, often depicted in art as a flaming heart, pierced and encircled by a crown of thorns.  The fire represented the transformative power of God’s love. And, there I lay  with my left arm extended off of the table hooked to an IV receiving a blood transfusion.

As I turned my head to my left, on the surgical table next to me lay a person. I looked closer. It was Jesus!  I was receiving His blood; His DNA. It was pure and cleansing, healing and life-sustaining.

by Bill Hutzel

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Vem, Espirito Santo, vem!
While I was worshiping during Sunday morning service, my spiritual senses perked up. I began to see a picture of myself soaring through the stratosphere like a bird with my arms outstretched at my sides.  It was effortless and freeing as I had not a care in the world except for my Abba Father.

My vision was keen like a hawk’s. With telescoping vision, I could see a crowd of people standing in a line. And so, I swooped down toward the crowd through the clouds with great velocity, slowing only to make a pass at them.  As I passed, I extended my right hand over them causing a Holy Spirit wind to occur, “and He breathed on them” (John 20:20). Then, calling on the Holy Spirit, I cried out “Vem, Espirito Santo, vem!” (which translated means “Come, Holy Spirit, come!”). The Holy Spirit was poured out upon each person and they fell out in the Spirit (Acts 11:15).

I ascended again towards the stratosphere.  It was exhilarating. As I looked back toward earth, again, God showed me a crowd of people. As before, I swooped down upon them, but this time as I extended my hand toward each person, each was miraculously healed. Cancer, tumors, physical deformities, skin diseases, everything and anything disappeared.  The lame walked, the blind could see, the deaf could hear.

As I ascended again for the third time, I was caught up in the air by two angels who came up supporting me under both my arms. They propelled me further, beyond the farthest of earth’s atmospheres. And I could see a door open in the heavens. We headed directly for it. Once through the door, the angels escorted me into the Holy of Holies, the throne room of God. I was awed by the bright light and love being emitted. Jesus called me to climb upon his lap, and there I soaked in Pappa’s unconditional love for me. He stroked me, he tousled my hair, he loved on me with his loving embrace, and then he said in His quiet voice, “I love you, Billy, I love you.”

by Bill Hutzel

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Take Me Deeper
As I sat on the beach watching the power of the waves wash up on shore, I marveled at the power of those waves as they crashed and came up and lapped at my feet. I marveled at their beauty, and at the sound of them crashing. It took me deep, and I forgot the noise of civilization, of car horns, and of the cacophony of people talking and yelling, of children playing and of the concerns of this world. I was lost somewhere else.

I then envisioned myself out in the deep of the Atlantic Ocean. It was quiet. I listened, and all I could hear was God’s quiet voice. HIS gentle waves caressed me like the soft stroke of a woman’s hand upon my arm, tender and caring.

I was lost in my quiet thoughts, only hearing God speak now. I marveled at the peaceful quiet in His voice. He did not seem concerned about anything as I am frequently, and He spoke to me. “Go deep,” he said.  “Go deep, go deep. I love you. I want to reach deep inside you and reveal myself to you in a more powerful way than has ever been revealed to you before. Go deep, go deep and meet me where I am. Don’t be afraid. I will swim with you. I will uphold you. You are tethered to me. You cannot be lost or yanked from my arms. You are mine always. Go deep and meet me where I am. Don’t hold anything back. Swim with me, won’t you?  Stop clinging to your surfboard; immerse yourself in my presence. I am your safety now.”

God wanted me to be alone with Him. He wanted my attention, and for me to worship Him. He washed over me as waves of joy, and I was in awe of his creation.  And I thought to myself, how can people not marvel at God’s glorious creation?

by Bill Hutzel

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Come into His chambers
I awakened early at 5:45 a.m. I was thinking about Douglas Sterner’s visions of God herein, and how he practiced to see Jesus. I’ve also experienced Jesus similarly, although not that often.

Today, the sky outside was gray and it was raining, perhaps indicative of my mood within. And so I sat looking out my living room window. I put on a worship CD and headset, then from deep within I cried out to Jesus, sincerely wanting to experience His healing touch.

As I worshiped before His throne, I envisioned him standing before me. Deep overpowering emotions took over me as I saw myself reaching out to touch the hem of his garment, and as I did so, I became acutely aware of His presence and love for me. It was healing to my soul. Jesus was here, and he was inviting me to –

“Come into His chambers,
And worship before His throne
O come into the King’s chambers
And His glory shall be shown
O come into His holy presence
And magnify His name
O Come into the King’s chambers
You will never be the same.” (lyrics to O Come Into the King’s Chambers)

The world says men are not supposed to experience deep emotions. And so, there is this stigma I feel sometimes when sharing this, yet it is impossible for me to deny the deep emotions I have felt at times when worshipping Christ. Sometimes they are tears of joy and sometimes they are tears of sorrow. But it doesn’t mean you are weak, it means you have feelings and a heart.

By Douglas Sterner

Monday, October 5, 2015

Christ in me, the hope of glory
I was just sitting here trying to imagine Jesus literally being in me. At first, I pictured Jesus standing in front of me. He seemed to be REALLY tall. He had to really bend over to kiss me on my forehead. Next thing I know, He was “within” me. But, of course, I couldn’t contain Him — He kinda radiated out of me, manifested as a kind of blue haze or aura extending out from my physical frame about 2-3 inches. How awesome is that?! Jesus, thank You that the almost unimaginable is truly my ultimate reality — Christ in me, the hope of glory!

by Douglas Sterner

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Eyes of my heart
This afternoon, as I was attempting to take a nap lying on the couch downstairs, I thought I’d try exercising my spiritual senses — specifically the “eyes of my heart.” I tried “seeing” Jesus in my mind’s eye in various settings and ways. After several false starts, my inner sight (imagination) seemed to settle upon an image dressed in a bright white tunic. He was walking with a steady, determined gait and His face was “set like flint” — just as He is described in the Bible when He set His face toward Jerusalem and the Cross.

As I watched, He suddenly seemed distracted by something (or someone) and seemed to turn aside from His pre-determined path and goal. The next thing I knew, He walked into the room where I was lying there on the couch. He sat on the couch and looked down at me with a loving smile. I think He might have reached out and touched me and He might have tussled my hair — I’m not sure. No words were spoken that I can remember. But I was so impressed with the fact that He would turn aside from His obviously very important plans, purposes and goals to come and see me and spend time with me. What stunning love and compassion! What incredible grace and humility! What tender kindness — shown to me!

It reminded me of the time He stopped for the woman who was healed when she touched the hem of His garment. Although He was “in a hurry,” He stopped to recognize her, singling her out from the crowd and spending His precious time to giving her His complete attention and loving, healing touch.

Apparently, Jesus wants me to know that He loves me like that. He is showing me how much He desires to spend time with me — just being together enjoying each other’s company. In the past few days. He has made that very clear. Holy Spirit, thank You for blessing me and making this communion happen. Thank You, Jesus, for Your loving-kindness toward me. I love You, Jesus.

by Douglas Sterner

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

In His presence there is fullness of joy
Last night, lying in bed, I again practiced seeing Jesus. As I did, I believe the Holy Spirit gave me a vision! I was sitting at a table in a large school library. I saw Jesus running and laughing. He was running in between and around the maze of tables just having a grand old time. Wondering what was going on, I looked around. Then I saw the head of a child just barely showing over the table tops. Jesus was playing with a little kid! He then ran over to my table and sat down opposite me, laughing and breathing hard. He looked at me and smiled, exuding His supernatural joy.

I believe He’s communicating to me that in His presence there is fullness of joy. He wants me to play with Him in the “school” of His Spirit (depicted by the library setting). He wants me to relax and enjoy being with Him without making it a big project.

Seeing Jesus like that really meant a lot to me. It confirms what I’ve been told by those who have come to know Him well. Thank You, Jesus, for Your joy and playfulness. I love You, Jesus.

by Douglas Sterner

Friday, September 17, 2004


Putty in my hands
I see myself wearing the robe of righteousness that Jesus has purchased for me with His precious blood on the Cross. I sense that He has actually placed it upon me Himself. It is a brilliant, pure white, like lightning (or snow). There is gold trim around the wrists and along the bottom edge which reaches to just above my ankles. There’s a blue stripe down the center. Wearing it, I feel forgiven and accepted by God. And I really sense a boldness in approaching Him. I know that I can come into His presence because I am clothed in His righteousness. Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for this precious gift — this robe of righteousness You have given me. I love You, Jesus.

I’m standing before the Throne. Jesus comes down from His throne and walks up to me. He takes my hands into His and we begin to dance, spinning around individually as our hands remain joined. Jesus says, “Doug, I am so proud of you! I’m so glad you recognize what a precious gift this robe is, for it is actually Me. Yes, Doug, you have been clothed with Me — with My very Life. My Father sees you wearing that robe and He sees Me — His beloved, only begotten Son. He loves you intensely because you are in Me.”

[I become aware that my robe is splattered with Blood]

“Yes, Doug, you have been sprinkled with My blood and you are clean — holy and blameless in My sight and beautiful in My Father’s eyes. We love you so much. Remain in Us and rest in our love.”

Oh, thank You so much, Jesus. I really sense the reality of the fact that I am accepted in the Beloved — I sense it deep within. And I am so grateful, Lord! Jesus, is there anything else You want to say to me?

“Just be with Me here, Doug. Don’t rush away. I want you to soak in My love, My desire for you. Be still and wait. See Me present with you beause I AM. I’m touching you, Doug. I’m blessing you. See Me doing it because I AM. Just relax and receive. Let me bless you, Doug. Putty in My hands, remember?”

Copyright 2019 by Bill Hutzel


A God Wink

On the last day of our mission trip to Brazil, I randomly opened my Bible to the following passage in Luke 10. I looked down on the page and this is what I read – “When the seventy missionaries returned to Jesus, they were ecstatic with joy, telling him, “Lord, even the demons obeyed us when we commanded them in your name!” Jesus replied, “While you were ministering, I watched Satan topple until he fell suddenly from heaven like lightning to the ground. Now you understand that I have imparted to you all my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will be able to harm you as you walk in this authority. However, your real source of joy isn’t merely that these spirits submit to your authority, but that your names are written in the journals of heaven and that you belong to God’s kingdom. This is the true source of your authority.” Then Jesus, overflowing with the Holy Spirit’s anointing of joy, exclaimed, “Father, thank you for you are Lord Supreme over heaven and earth! You have hidden the great revelation of this authority from those who are proud, those wise in their own eyes, and you have shared it with these who humbled themselves. Yes, Father. This is what pleases your heart and the very way you’ve chosen to extend your kingdom: to give to those who become like trusting children” (Luke 10:17-21 TPT).

I’ve never encountered before a people so hungry for the Word of God. Truly, they came like trusting children (Luke 10:21) and for it, they received. There’s a revival going on in Brazil that is transforming the nation.

Wow! There could have been no other passage in the Bible that could have more accurately summed up our mission trip this week and the great number of salvations, and physical and emotional healings, further substantiating what Jesus said: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:12-14).

Our team of 39 people, representing 5 different countries (US, UK, Canada, Australia and Switzerland) met together the morning of Tuesday, March 19th at the airport in Rio to bus transfer to our accomodations in Niteroi. From there we were bussed to various locations during the week to evangelize and bring healing and revival to hundreds of Brazilian’s.

On the first day, we immediately hit the ground running as we received impartation that afternoon by Blaine Cook and Kim Maas, and were already doing ministry all together that evening at a church service. For the rest of the week, 4 ministry teams with 9-10 people each were allocated to rotate doing ministry among 5 different churches. As I did not speak Portuguese, except for a handful of phrases, I was provided with a translator. I was grateful.

God showed up in power throughout the week, bringing the passion of Jesus and revival to the Brazilians through teaching, impartation, and ministry, spreading the good news of God’s love, mercy, grace and compassion. Many were emotionally healed, physically healed, delivered, and saved. We saw 13 blind eyes opened, 7 deaf ears opened, 13 tumors and cysts disappear, 4 metal miracles and 1 lame person walk. These were just some of the 339 physical healings, 28 sovereign healings, and 315 emotional deliverances that we saw. Hallelujah!!! Thank you Jesus!!!

If you would like further details and testimonies, please click on the following links and we will periodically be posting more under the menu item “Brazil Mission Trip 2019.”

Seeing the Miracle Happen
2 Healing Stories
Boy with Hearing and Vision Loss Healed

If you sowed into our ministry via prayers and/or finances, you have reaped ALL the blessings along with us. As is usual, we often think we are going to bless, but God in His kingdom does the reverse and HE blesses us!!

“I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!” (John 14:12, TPT)

Copyright 2019 by Bill Hutzel and Peggy Castorri-Hutzel
