Adventures Flowing in God, Part 3

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN WITH AUDIO In Part 2, I learned to allow myself to relax, to get quiet and let go of stress. I was learning to sail. I invited God to reveal Himself to me and open my heart to His presence. I was becoming more focused and aware of Him.   God …

Adventures Flowing in God, Part 2

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN WITH AUDIO Flowing in God, much like sailing, is the idea of effortlessly positioning yourself to hear from God and connect with His guidance, likened to in Part 1 as a spiritual GPS or God’s Positioning Spirit. Rowing represents our own efforts, while sailing embodies effortless flow. Unlike rowing a boat, …

Adventures Flowing in God, Part 1

What if you believed hearing from God could actually be fun? This beckons the question do you believe God can speak to you? No, I don’t mean just through his Word through interpretation of Scripture, but instead like Moses, Abraham and Paul, who heard His voice. If He does still speak to us today, then how? When? Where? Maybe you are like me. I needed to put these questions to the test.