Global Awakening Brazil Mission Trip, March 2019 ….. This was my first mission trip, an experience that would profoundly shape my life. During the trip, I encountered a young boy, approximately ten years old, who lamented about his swiftly deteriorating eyesight. Despite fervent prayers and covering his eyes with my hands, there was no immediate …
Author Archives: Bill Hutzel
Seeing the Miracle Happen
BRAZIL MISSION TRIP, GLOBAL AWAKENING MARCH 2019 TRIP REPORT A young man in his early 20’s came for prayer because he had a cyst growing behind his left ear. He had surgery to remove it a couple of years earlier, but it came back. I looked at it and it was red and swollen about …
2 Healing Stories
There is substantial biblical evidence to show that healing ministry and miraculous spiritual gifts are for today. So, the more we understand the Bible, the more we will see the manifestation of the promises of God available to us. God wants us to realize that the potential for releasing the supernatural is in and through …
Glauci and Paolo
FORTALEZA, BRAZIL, MARCH 2019 In 2013, on a mission trip to Brazil, Peggy befriended Glauciane whom she met in the airport on her return trip home to the states. In the airport, God also brought to Peggy’s attention, Glauciane’s 9-year old daughter who was reading the Bible. Peggy was so touched by this young girl …
Glauci e Paulo
FORTALEZA, BRASIL, MARÇO DE 2019 Em 2013, em uma viagem missionária ao Brasil, Peggy fez amizade com Glauciane, que conheceu no aeroporto em sua viagem de volta para os EUA. No aeroporto, Deus também chamou a atenção de Peggy, a filha de 9 anos de Glauciane que estava lendo a Bíblia. Peggy ficou tão comovida …