Mission Trip Brazil 2019

This March, Peggy and I will have an amazing opportunity to join Global Awakening on a mission trip to Brazil. The timing is now, and the needs are massive.

The people are hungry and thirsty for God’s touch. Much suffering, confusion, and bitterness exists in Brazil and especially Rio de Janeiro because of the government’s mishandling of the 2016 Olympics. Corruption is at its height.

March 18 to March 26, we will join others from around the globe to be ambassadors of Christ, to do as Jesus commissioned us to do. We will be there to pray, to bring physical and emotional healing and to set captives free.

Brazil Mission Trip 2013 with Peggy Castorri

There are a couple of ways to give.
Bread for the Journey Ministries, Inc., a 501C3 non-profit organization at https://www.facebook.com/donate/758280234538357/758280257871688/,


Global Awakening … please say that you are “donating towards someone else’s trip for trip applicant name Bill Hutzel and/or Margaret Castorri where Month and Destination is “March Brazil”. Link: https://globalawakening.wufoo.com/forms/zcrn5az0lvpvxd/,


Send your donation to Bread for the Journey Ministries, Inc. at 103 West End Ave., Pompton Plains, NJ 07444.

Not only will your contribution make an impact, it is tax-deductible. Whatever you are led to give will be greatly appreciated.

THANK YOU for your prayers and generous financial support! It is greatly appreciated.

May God bless you richly!

Bill and Peggy-Castorri Hutzel

Letter To A Friend … A Most Unusual Recipient

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Let me start out by saying that this is a most unusual story. In 2018, while taking an online course on inner healing as a part of my Global Awakening School class assignments, I was required to write a letter to a friend. However, I did not have anyone in mind to write to, and my assignment was due in four days. On Sunday morning, during my prayer time, I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me, and I felt a strong urge to call Sam. I heard a voice whispering in my spirit that “Sam is dying.” I was skeptical at first, but the voice repeated the message a couple of times. So, I decided to call Sam, but he did not answer, and I left him a message.

Later that day, not Sam, but his daughter returned my call. She informed me that Sam was admitted to the hospital and that they did not know what was wrong with him. He had collapsed five times over the last couple of days. His prognosis looked grim. Peggy and I decided we would visit him on Tuesday. At that moment, I knew it was Sam I was to write my “Letter to a Friend.”

On Tuesday, we started our drive to Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut with my letter in hand. During the last 10 minutes of our 2-hour drive, Sam’s wife Mary called and said Sam had just expired. What do we do now? I thought. Do we go back home after traveling this far?

Peggy and I decided to keep going as planned. As soon as we arrived, we went to the reception desk and asked for Sam’s room, which was located on the third floor. However, I started feeling uneasy.  I looked at Peggy, wondering if she was thinking what I was thinking. This was undoubtedly one of the most unconventional things we had ever done. 

The elevator door opened, we exited, and we walked toward Sam’s hospital room. Then, looking at Peggy, I sought eye contact, desperately wanting confirmation whether I was to read my letter to Sam or hand it to his wife. I felt very uncomfortable, to say the least. Peggy, however, assured me it was okay to ask Mary’s permission to read my letter to him. “I think we are here for a purpose,” she said.

Outside the room, we greeted Mary with a hug and our condolences. I explained my desire to share the letter I had written to Sam. Sensing my compassion and burden for him, she permitted me, recognizing that Sam and I had a special godly relationship.

We entered the room. Mary stood near the foot of Sam’s bed while her brother stood some distance off but within earshot. Sam’s skin was yellow and ashen, his mouth open, eyes nearly shut, all signs of life gone. Sam had not officially been pronounced dead yet, although it was pretty apparent. His body lay lifeless for more than 20 to 30 minutes before our arrival.

With Peggy on one side of the bed and me on the other, I read my “Letter to a Friend.” I was saddened and tearful as I read it. There were times when I hesitated, my voice breaking. I knew Mary was listening, and as I read on, I noticed she, too, was becoming emotional. At that moment, my heart went out to her, and I couldn’t help but wonder if Sam was listening in as well.

After I read my letter to Sam, Mary left Sam’s bedside. Peggy and I then laid hands on Sam and began ministering quietly. We both felt a strong anointing come upon us to speak life back into Sam. I’ve never prayed before for someone who had died. Courage just took on a whole new meaning for me.

Peggy began speaking, over and over, “Your Father loves you; you’re a good son.” She had no idea why she needed to say it continually, but it felt right.

At that moment, we both saw and felt Sam’s body shudder; his arm jerked under the light touch of my hand on his arm. Peggy and I both looked at each other. Jumpin’ Jiminy!  “Did you see what I just saw?”

My expectations were now elevated. I truly wanted to see more. I wanted to see Lazarus raised from the dead. But as we continued to listen and pray, I distinctively heard in my spirit – “let him go.”  After hearing it again several times, I looked up at Peggy in resignation and said, “Let him go.”

We spoke with Sam’s wife afterward in the hallway. She shared that Sam’s parents had divorced, and his mother never allowed him to contact his father. She went on to say that Sam’s father died of a broken heart, having never been allowed to speak with his son Sam again. On Sam’s deathbed, the Holy Spirit led us to pray repeatedly for the Father’s LOVE to be poured into Sam, saying that Sam is a good son. “Your Father loves you.”

It all made sense now! Isn’t it wonderful knowing that God is still in the restoration business? Even on his deathbed, God was still ministering to Sam, to a place that was an unresolved emotional wound in his heart.

The timing was perfect, even when Peggy had to make a rest stop just before we got the call from Mary. Had we arrived any earlier, we would have run into their priest, and I don’t think I would have had the courage to pray as freely as I did. It would have been awkward. Had I arrived after the physician officially pronounced Sam dead, we may not have had the opportunity to pray for Sam.

We said our condolences and moved towards the elevators, the two of us marveling at the FATHER’s LOVE and desire to love us into eternity.

Coincidence or God-incidence?

The story clearly shows that every event was guided by God’s hand. When deciding who to write my letter to, God intervened by subliminally suggesting my friend’s name by distracting me with the message, “Bill, Sam is dying.” I would not have written my letter to Sam if I had not heard God’s voice. The fact that Peggy and I continued to the hospital after hearing about Sam’s passing and arrived there at the perfect time was not a coincidence. The repeated prayers for the Father’s Love for Sam were not mere coincidences either. God wanted to ensure Sam knew he was a good son, even in death and for eternity.

Copyright 2018
by Bill and Peggy Hutzel


Biblical reasons for being healthy

What does the Bible say about a healthy mind and body? Here are just a few.   

  1. We are God’s holy temple. God wants us to take care of it.
  2. Having a healthy body honors God.
  3. It’s being a good example to other people.
  4. Being healthy in mind and body means having more energy, experiencing clearer thinking, and a more abundant life.
  5. You can change! What we believe determines our actions.

We are God’s holy temple

Do you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? This is one area that I neglected in my life.  Unhealthy eating habits, including missed meals because I got too busy, or eating convenient foods that were fast but not nutritious, I neglected God’s temple in me.

”Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NLT)


Having a healthy body honors God

Whether you eat or drink, live your life in a way that glorifies and honors God, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Honoring God also does not mean that we need to be legalistic about what we eat. However, fueling our bodies with proper nutrients and nutritionally cleansing (intermittent fasting) of toxins is essential.  Many of the foods that we buy at the grocery store are being treated with pesticides, fungicides, and hormones. Food is just one source of toxicity entering our bodies.

So, “whether you eat or drink, live your life in a way that honors God” (1 Corinthians 10:31, The Passion Translation).

Having a healthy mind and body is being a good example to others

Be a good example to others. “Look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4)

When we are healthy, people want what we have. No one looks at someone who is overweight, weak and tired, or scatterbrained and says, “Hey, I want to be just like them!” On the contrary, when I want to be like those who look healthy, and mentally and spiritually alive. Are you being an example of someone who is healthy in mind and body?

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. (Philippians 4:8, NIV). This scripture is meant to inspire and give hope, not condemn. When you haven’t fueled your brain with proper nutrients it’s difficult to think about what is admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. It’s like desiring to drive the full distance, but your tank is only half full. 

Being healthy in mind and body means having more energy, experiencing clearer thinking and a more abundant life

What you think is what you become. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV).

Similarly, what we eat is what we become. If you eat “healthy food”, you nourish your body and soul. Healthy food provides the right kinds of energy, clearer thinking, strengthens your body against diseases, and prolongs life. Eating “Junk food” and other unhealthy choices have the opposite effect. Unhealthy choices break down the body’s complex systems resulting in malnutrition, lack of energy, the inability to think clearly, and the inability for the body to resist disease.  Unhealthy choices are also toxic to the body, and ultimately steal the abundance of life and longevity that God intended for us.

In the last 2 months, I have made several healthy life changes, and I am already experiencing less stress, more energy, more clarity, better focus, and a better mindset. I am happier and healthier, and people are taking notice.  I was inspired to change “my normal” to a new normal after seeing a change in my wife, although one of her reasons for the change was to lose weight, it was not mine. Mine was for healthy aging and wealth. Yes, I said wealth. A better healthy mind and body has realized an amazing financial opportunity as well.   My future is looking better each day and I am empowered to make it so.

Jesus said, “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” (John 10:10, AMP)  

What we believe determines our actions

Often times our picture of health is influenced by the world around us. Currently, more than 69% of adults in North America are considered overweight or obese. You may be believing that 2 out of 3 people overweight is okay. Is that the new normal?

I challenge you. Close your eyes and try to envision a picture of Jesus.  I am seeing him as muscular, energized, and highly focused. I am not seeing Him as overweight, sickly, non-energetic or foggy brained. Jesus is the opposite, he is physically, mentally, and emotionally strong even under pressure and temptation. We, however, often make choices that counter God’s pre-programmed design for our body types. Getting our appetites under control and fueling our bodies with proper nutrients is not only necessary, but biblical.

I believe the future will be better than the present and my choices will make it so. I suspect that if you also believe the same and want a deeper relationship with God, you can choose to start a journey towards a healthier mind and body.

Ask yourself the following:

  1. How important is it to you to improve your health and well-being? Write your answer.
  2. How important, then, is what you just wrote vital to you?
  3. Then, what are some areas that need improvement? (e.g. stress, energy, belly fat, vitality, longevity, mental clarity, hunger cravings, appetite control, depression, weight wellness, regularity, endurance and overall performance, immune system, sugar addiction, etc.)
  4. Now, what’s your next step?

Start by consistently declaring truths over yourself as you present yourselves a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, not being conformed to this world, but being “transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:1-2)

  • I am not who my past says I am; I am who God says I am. (Steve Backlund)
  • I’ve decided to honor God by making my body healthy, and my actions will radically restore my body as it was designed by God.
  • I am determined to achieve a healthy mind and body
  • I will be victorious.
  • As I am transformed in my body, mind and soul, others will see a difference and will be encouraged to improve their well-being.
  • I am committed to making my body healthy, and I will follow through with what I say I will do.

 “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” (3 John 1:2 ESV)

For the next step in your healthy mind and body journey as you co-labor with God, I would be glad to share with you some simple systems to help your specific needs.  Please feel free to message me at 908-500-6690 or email me at bhutzel@inspirationandhope.org.

Copyright 2018 by Bill Hutzel and Peggy Castorri-Hutzel


Spotting the counterfeit … whatever comes from the fear of man

“While there is a caution born out of wisdom, our challenge is to spot the counterfeit — whatever comes from the fear of man. This kind of fear is an affliction of the heart. It causes us to silence courage by wondering what someone will think of us if we make a bold move.

Father, I want my life to count for something. For that to happen, You must pour out your grace upon me. I confess that I have feared what others might think of me at the expense of considering what You value. Forgive me. I am tired of living with mountains that are outside of Your purposes. Forgive me for giving them virtuous names that have allowed them to remain. By Your grace I will be bold and declare who You are without shame or fear.”

– Bill Johnson, Experience the Impossible

Desires of the Heart

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4)

The following thought-provoking questions are shared from a page on Facebook called Shareable Truth (August 25, 2017).  I gained a new perspective on this frequently cited and often misunderstood passage in the Bible.




  • Delight yourself in the Lord, SO that he will give you the desires of  your heart?  NO
  • Delight yourself in the Lord, IF he gives you the desires of your heart?  NO
  • Delight yourself in the Lord, IF he gives you the objects of your desire?  NO
  • Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will put HIS desires in your heart”? YES, and he will fulfill each one of them in His perfect time.

Many seem to think that Psalm 37:4 means that God will give us everything that we ask for; a job prayed for, a bigger house, a new car, or perhaps a husband or a wife. Sometimes he does give us our desires, but that is not always true. Sometimes we are sorely disappointed when God seemingly turns a silent ear. You might ponder then, if God is supposed to give me the desires of my heart, then why was I passed by for promotion, or why am I still single?  We often then become very introspective and frequently find blame when things don’t turn out as expected (desired).  “Have I not delighted in you Lord?”  “Did I do something wrong?” The answer, however, may be simply, your longings were never His will nor His desire to start with. But that is also not to say that your longings are not His desire, or that He will not give you the desires of your heart. Your longings may just not have been fulfilled yet according to His perfect timing and perfect will. Lord, help me to accept your will.

Let’s take a closer look at this verse. First, it says that we are to delight ourselves in the Lord. Taking delight in the Lord means that we find peace and fulfillment in the Lord, and we take pleasure in Him.  But it doesn’t mean that if we go to church every Sunday that God will give us that big house you’ve always dreamed of having, or that beautiful red Lamborgini.

Secondly, it says He will give you the desires of your heart. Many delight in temporal things, wealth, status, and material things of this world, but outside of God’s will, it is futile to think that we will ever achieve complete satisfaction and joy from those things. This is the bane of our worldly existence. However, when we commit our future to the Lord and trust in Him, He replaces our desires with His desires, his majesty, glory, and love so that we want nothing else. Have you first asked God what his desires are for you?

So here are some steps for satisfying every desire of your heart in Himself (not in myself).

  • Confess your sins
  • Turn from yourself to trusting in Him to change your heart. Your relationship is not just your knowledge of Him, but rather one of trust and intimacy.
  • Pray earnestly. Colossians 4:2 says “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving” (NAS).
  • Meditate on God’s Word so that He might be revealed through it. In other words, HEAR God. Don’t just read God’s word as a cerebral exercise to gain more head knowledge. Meditate to know Him more intimately and hear His voice. Close your mind to the incessant noise of “I want; I want; I want” reverberating through your head. Take several quiet minutes and just listen. Push all thoughts of “I want” from your mind and ask God to show you His will. In this, you will succeed in delighting in God, and you will be satisfied and filled with joy.
  • Wait on the Lord. Wait patiently for God’s promises because he will not disappoint those who seek him with all their heart.  “It won’t be a lie. If it’s delayed, wait for it. It will certainly happen. It won’t be late.” (Habakkuk 2:3, GOD’S WORD Translation).
  • Take God at His word. In Jeremiah 29:11-14 it says that God knows the plans he has for you, plans for well-being and not calamity, plans to give you a future filled with hope.  And when you call upon Him, it says that he will listen to you. And if you seek Him with all your heart, you will find him because HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN FAITHFUL (https://youtu.be/kmGB8568VwU).

And so, when you delight yourself in the Lord, and you own His desires as your desires, “He will give you the longings of your heart,” and you will be so satisfied in the Lord, that you will delight in nothing else, for His desires are our desires. That’s what I want. Having that translates as inexpressible and glorious joy and a life of contentment.


Copyright 2017 by Bill Hutzel