Don’t worry about it

Phillipians 4

What great advice! Only if we would always follow it … right?

Worry, however, is sadly an inevitability of life. We worry about our relationships, health, job security and employment, finances, and even appearances. For instance, you lose your job. You as a result worry about finding another job. You worry whether or not you will be able to make ends meet and pay your mortgage and taxes. Or, lets say, you run into some health issues and your doctor recommends certain tests to rule out cancer; you worry if your test results will come back positive.

And so, where there is uncertainty, the natural human response is to think negative. Some of us even play over and over again worst-case-scenarios in our heads like watching a bad movie over and over again.

Yet I am reminded that God can do anything. I am reminded over and over again that God has in the past always supplied my needs when I am faithful to Him. So why do we still worry? It is the human side of us. Trust is not a natural response. We need to exert our will to trust God in all circumstances. Instead of being distracted from God, we need to exert ourselves and equip ourselves everyday with God’s Word to combat our human nature to want control. We need to wholly trust in Him. “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34).

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on Matthew 6:34 says “The conclusion of the whole matter is, that it is the will and command of the Lord Jesus, that by daily prayers we may get strength to bear us up under our daily troubles, and to arm us against the temptations that attend them, and then let none of these things move us.”

 Copyright 2015 Bill Hutzel

Does God marvel at you?

Sea glassFor I am the Lord your God, who stirs up the sea and its waves roar (the Lord of hosts is His name).” – Isaiah 51:15 NAS. This is the God Almighty, all powerful, the great “I Am”.

Life is like the sea and the waves – sometimes calm and sometimes turbulent, but always changing, changing things that once were discarded and worthless into things of refined beauty.

I used to love walking on the beach in Bay Head, New Jersey in the early morning when the sun was just coming up in the east. Listening to the waves roll in and looking for sea glass was a pastime of mine since I was a little boy. Even when I go to the ocean now in my later years, this is one of my favorite things to do. I would fill my pockets with different colored sea glass that had been furbished by the sea –frosted blues, aquamarines, pinks, reds, browns, whites, and greens.   Oh, what joy that was! And then I would spread out the sea glass on a table when I got home and would sort them by color and fill a jar with them to marvel at.

Sea glass comes from broken shards of bottles and jars that were discarded. Broken, the sea then tumbles and polishes them and removes the rough and jagged edges until each piece is smooth. So, broken and fragile, we too like sea glass are refined, “though not as silver, we are tested in the furnace of affliction” (Isaiah 48:10). For my own sake, for my own sake, saith the Lord.

Jagged edges soften and get rounder, a protective coating envelops that which was once discarded and worthless – transformed by time, washed ashore, a thing of beauty now.

Does God marvel at you? Are you recognized by the deeds of your flesh, as pieces of jagged glass, or are you evidence of the Holy Spirit at work in you to crucify your flesh and refine you? Are you the evidence of God’s waves, that of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? Are you in your inner spirit, swashed about by God’s waves, a thing of unfading beauty now, that of a gentle spirit which is of great worth in God’s sight?

Copyright 2015 by Bill Hutzel


Be Watchful for “God Incidences”

“Some people mistakenly refer to inexplicable, uncanny, timely, and/or especially appropriate happenings as coincidences. But Christians need to recognize them as God incidences”, says Christianity Today.[1]


It was not a particularly warm evening in May that my wife Bev called me to tell me that a guest at her Bed and Breakfast inn just let an air conditioner fall out of the 3rd floor “Mansard Room” window (see arrow in picture). The Mansard Room, aptly named because of the mansard roof over it, is a roof that has four sloping sides, each of which becomes steeper halfway down.

Was it incredulous of me to think that anyone would open a window with a window air conditioner in it?

As she shared this account of the incident over the phone with me that night, I reacted loudly.  “Are you kidding me?” I cried. Was this some kind of joke, but I knew it wasn’t because I could tell from the concern in her voice that she was telling me the truth.  And so the account is as follows.

She said that she heard a loud crash.  Thinking it was just another automobile accident outside, she rushed outside with her hand readied on her phone to call 911. It was not uncommon for accidents to occur at the corner of the inn’s busy intersection.  However, when she came running out of the house, she was confronted with something completely different. There were parts scattered all over the lawn.

It was 8:30 at night. A young 30-year old European guest came running from the inn, visibly terrified, mortified and upset, apologetic and offering to pay for damages, but my wife would hear nothing of it. She would decline the offer for remuneration, and rather than saying to the inn guest “whatever possessed you to open a window with an air conditioner in it?” she consoled her instead. The guest explained that she was just trying to get some fresh air into the room.  Now mind you, there are two windows in the room, one with an air conditioner in it, and the other without. Instead of opening the window without, the guest opened the window with the air conditioner in it.

As I read from Sarah Young’s devotional “Jesus Calling” the next morning (May 29th), God impressed upon me the “God Significance” of this event.  Sarah Young wrote – “I am with you, watching over you constantly. I am Emmanuel (God with you).” Sarah Young continues writing in the first-person (I, Me, My) from God’s point of view —  “Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs …. find Me in every situation”.

View from Mansard Room window of the ground belowView from the Mansard Room looking out the window at the garden below

The significance of where Bev was and what she was doing at the time of the incident is relevant to finding God in this situation. Different from almost every other night, Bev was ironing and doing laundry, perhaps rushing to get a room ready for a late check-in.  Normally, however, she would have gone out to water the garden around this time. It was dark by then, so she also would not have seen anything falling towards her. The garden area where Bev would have stood was also in the direct path of the falling air conditioner. The air conditioner came crashing to the ground with the sound of a car crash, sending shrapnel everywhere.  If it were not for God’s protection, she would most likely have been struck by the falling air conditioner.   Fortunately, none of the guests were entering or exiting the inn at that time either.

Remains of the Mansard Room air conditioner

I have to believe that God sometimes uses God incidences like this as a tool for fulfilling His plans, to shake us up a bit and make us more mindful of Him, and also as a reminder that He is our protector, and that He is watching over us constantly.

“Whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty, can say to him,   “You are my defender and protector.   You are my God; in you I trust.”[2]


Copyright 2015 by Bill Hutzel


[1] Christianity Today, “Be on the Lookout for GodIncidences”, April 10, 2012

[2] Psalm 91:1-2, Good News Translation



In Search of the Meaning of Life

purpose of lifeHow can we find fulfillment and satisfaction in life? How can we achieve something of lasting significance? Philosophers have debated the meaning of life for years, but for many their search for meaning has been elusive.

Have you ever asked yourself what the purpose for being here on this earth is? Alexis Zorbas, the character of Kazantzakis’ novel “Zorba the Greek”, agonized its meaning.

Alexis Zorba: Why do the young die? Why does anybody die?

Basil: I don’t know.

Alexis Zorba: What’s the use of all your damn books if they can’t answer that?

Basil: They tell me about the agony of men who can’t answer questions like yours.

Alexis Zorba: I spit on this agony!

“It is the great standing perennial problem to which human reason is as far from an answer as ever.”[1] Even King Solomon, portrayed in the Bible as great in wisdom and the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes exclaims “Meaningless! Meaningless! Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless. What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun?”[2] It is an age old question. King Solomon had wealth beyond measure, had hundreds of women (700 wives and 300 concubines to be precise), denied himself nothing his eyes desired, refused his heart no pleasure, took delight in all his work, yet when he surveyed all that his hands had done and what he had toiled to achieve, still he said “Everything is meaningless”. His search for meaning was akin to chasing after the wind.

Many of us try to find meaning by pursuing success, wealth, good relationships, and entertainment, and perhaps for a short time some do find satisfaction, but life is destined to remain unsatisfying and meaningless apart from having a relationship with God.

And if life is meaningless, is not then death meaningless also?

For many, life is tragic, boring or futile. “It is sad to think that the purpose of life is just to stay alive, that we are in truth nothing but poor bees, destined to accomplish our task and then die.”[3] Charles M. Schulz, cartoonist best known for his comic strip Peanuts said “I don’t know the meaning of life. I don’t know why we are here. I think life is full of anxieties and fears and tears. It has a lot of grief in it, and it can be very grim. And I do not want to be the one who tries to tell somebody else what life is all about. To me it’s a complete mystery.”[4]

Even computers have been employed to search for “The Answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything”.
In the farcical book by Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe, the answer to the age old question is derived by a powerful supercomputer named Deep Thought. For almost 7.5 million years the computer crunched data using highly sophisticated logic and computational algorithms.
Then, one day, Voila!
“The envelope please” (pause).
“The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything is…42!”

If you understood the answer, then I am amazed.
“42 is all the numbers added up on two dice. So the meaning of life, the universe, and everything else is: The Fall of the Dice.” – Anonymous
I can’t believe that nobody picked up on that!

What then is the true meaning of life? Is it possible that our destiny, our purpose in life, is merely left to chance?

Max Lucado, Christian author with over 80 million copies of his books in print, answers  — “Philosophers can debate the meaning of life, but you need a Lord who can declare the meaning of life.”[5]

The disenchanted, “done it all” tone of the Book of Ecclesiastes is concluded by King Solomon in the last chapter of the book. King Solomon looks back on his folly with regret, concluding that it is better to “Fear God and keep his commandments, because this applies to every person.”[6] All things would be meaningless, except they led to this conclusion. Nothing is by coincidence, everything is purposed by God. Bring all your thoughts into submission to God by the renewing of your mind. “Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants-what is good, pleasing, and perfect”[7]. And we know that if we have been called according to His purpose, all things work together for good to them that love God (Romans 8:28). Our purpose in life, therefore, as God originally intended it to be is to glorify Him, love Him, and serve Him. Only by restoring that relationship can purpose in life be rediscovered. Proverbs 8:35 says “Whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD”.[8]

Copyright 2015 by Bill Hutzel


God has given us His Word and His Spirit to guide, sustain and empower us. “The Bible is what we need, and it is sufficient for our needs. How necessary it is for us to know what the Bible says!”[9] — in order to find meaning to our life.

“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? But to act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” ― Micah 6:8

“God is the inevitability of humanity’s search for true meaning”.[10]

100 Bible verses about Purpose in Life –



[1] Arthur Conan Doyle The Adventure of the Cardboard Box

[2] Book of Ecclesiastes 1:2-3 (NIV)

[3] Muriel Barbery, The Elegance of the Hedgehog

[4] Charles M. Schulz, Charles M. Schulz: Conversations

[5] Max Lucado in Traveling Light: Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear

[6] Book of Ecclesiastes, 12:13 (NAS)

[7] Book of Romans, 12:2, (GOD’S WORD Translation)

[8] Proverbs 8:35, (GOD’S WORD Translation)

[9] BSF International, The Life of Moses

[10] Jared Brock, A Year of Living Prayerfully: How a Curious Traveler Met the Pope, Walked on Coals, Danced with Rabbis, and Revived His Prayer Life


Camp Happyland

While in college, my classmate Stan and I had been appointed to music therapy internships at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Washington DC, a government-run psychiatric hospital for treating a wide range of patients, including those who were mentally deficient, mentally disturbed, deaf and blind, and those struggling with drug and alcohol addition.

During my time there, the hospital arranged for the patienCampHappyland_Logots to spend time at Camp Happyland, a vacation camp in Prince William Forest, Virginia. No joke!  It was a real place run by the Salvation Army, offering the patients fresh air, new surroundings, fun activities, and a sense of freedom—a temporary retreat from the usual institutional setting.

At the camp, I met many patients, each with their own distinct characteristics. Bo, for instance, shuffled his feet wherever he went with an air of detachment, his movements slow and aimless, as if he were in a world of his own. His IQ was astoundingly low, and although he couldn’t speak much, he could manage one phrase: “Coca-Cola.” Over and over, like a mantra, he’d utter it, his voice almost rhythmic.

Then there was the man I found relieving himself outside of the restroom building. I couldn’t help but wonder why he didn’t just go inside to use the toilet, so I felt it my duty to inform him. As he finished, he turned slowly to face me.

“Hey, pull up your zipper, man. You know, the restroom is right there,” I said, pointing towards the door just a few feet away.

He seemed completely unfazed, his expression calm.

What is your name? I asked.

“It’s King.”

I nodded. “Well…nice to meet you King.”

With that, he turned and walked away as if everything was perfectly normal.

One of my daily assignments at Camp Happyland was waterfront duty—a task that I enjoyed for the most part, though it had its moments of unexpected excitement. On one occasion, I took a few patients out in a rowboat to explore a nearby creek. The afternoon was warm, with the sun’s rays filtering through the canopy of trees above. The atmosphere was peaceful as we gently glided downstream, leaving a trail of ripples. The only sound was the rhythmic sound of my oars breaking the surface of the water.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a pair of beavers appeared, gliding effortlessly alongside our boat. They then began slapping their tails on the surface, sending up playful sprays of water that drenched us.

Then, just as suddenly as they had appeared, they vanished beneath our boat, only to reemerge moments later, either behind or in front. This playful back and forth went on for some while. It seemed obvious they wanted to play. The patients, who had been quietly enjoying the calm, were soon laughing and pointing at the beavers, their spirits lifted by the unexpected visitors. It was such a memorable time. I couldn’t help but smile as I was caught up in the pure joy of the moment.

But what had started as a peaceful boat ride soon became tense. As I rowed back towards the swimming area, we drifted past a dense bush nestled on the bank. It wasn’t until we were right alongside it that I realized it was home to what seemed like a colony of water snakes. One of the patients, wide-eyed and panicked, stood up abruptly, causing the boat to rock dangerously.

“Sit down right now!” I shouted, panic rising in my voice. Your going to tip us over. Sit back down, or we’ll be in real trouble.”

But things went from bad to worse. In a panicked attempt to stabilize the boat, I instinctively thrust my paddle outward toward the bank, accidentally striking the very bush where the snakes nested. In an instant, it felt like a hundred water snakes tumbled into the water, slithering and writhing all around us.

After safely returning to shore, I was sternly reprimanded. ” That was a bit too adventurous for waterfront duty,” they told me. I couldn’t argue and was probably dismissed from my post for the rest of the day.

Amateur night was another experience that stands out, where I thought it would be fun to try communicating with the deaf patients using sign language. My skills, admittedly, were less than basic—just a handful of expressions I’d picked up along the way. As I fumbled through the gestures, I intended to convey something friendly and warm—a general message of goodwill and affection to the entire group. But as it turned out, just as we were about to find our seats for the event, one of the girls standing next to me unexpectedly thought the gesture was meant for her. She smiled and, to my surprise, reached out to take my hand as if I were to be her date for the evening. The look in her eyes sparkled with innocence and desire, of perhaps the hope of being boyfriend and girlfriend, a connection that deep down I knew couldn’t be possible. I could see that this simple, unintentional moment had stirred something far more profound within her. The whole situation was innocent, yet complicated.  Her expression told me that words, spoken or signed, carry far more weight than we sometimes realize.

These moments, though seemingly small, stayed with me. They revealed how much the patients at Camp Happyland needed healing, even if they didn’t know it—and, more importantly, how much they needed God.

It was at Camp Happyland that I became friends with Chuck, a counselor whose faith deeply resonated with mine. One evening, he invited me to his small, spirit-filled Pentecostal church in Fairmont, Maryland. Curious and open to the experience, I agreed to go.

Stepping into that church felt like stepping into an entirely different world. I remember feeling out of place, as if I didn’t belong. Not only did I stand out like a splotch of white paint on a canvas of black and brown, being the only white person in attendance, but my senses were also on high alert. Unlike the mostly calm atmosphere of Camp Happyland, this church crackled with wild energy. The worship was extreme and unrestrained. People danced in the aisles, spoke in tongues, and rolled on the floor—hence the term “holy rollers.” At one point, I witnessed a man rolling on the floor while being purged of something hideous. Two women, dressed in long white dresses, with hands raised, stood over him praying. Foam began to appear from his mouth, cascading over his body like an ocean tide washing onto the shore. It was unsettling, reminding me of the biblical story where an evil spirit threw a boy into convulsions in front of Jesus.


It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Should I run or should I stay? Yet, curiosity, and perhaps something deeper, compelled me to stay.

At the time, “Lean On Me” by Bill Withers was the number-one song on the pop charts. While not originally written as a religious song, it went on to become a popular Christian song depicting a God whom we can lean on and who would be our friend to help us carry on. Little did I know that evening as I stepped into that small church, only God knew how much I would need to lean on Him that evening.

I had invited my friend Stan to join me that evening, hoping he might find the experience revelatory, something we could talk about afterward. But I should have known better. Stan wasn’t much of a churchgoer, and this was well out of his comfort zone. He didn’t last more than five minutes. I watched as he stood, eyes wide, trying to process it all—the extreme fervor of the congregants, singing loudly, clapping their hands, and others caught up in deep, soulful prayers.

It didn’t take him long to make up his mind to make a beeline for the exit. It was just too much for him. He grabbed my keys and headed straight for my car, where he waited until the service was over. I knew, then, that I would be on the receiving end of a loaded shotgun of complaints afterward.  The whole experience was far too extreme for him, especially compared to the quiet, more formal services he might have associated with a church.

For a moment, it also crossed my mind to leave as well, before it really got going. As the service ramped up, I scanned the walls of the church, half expecting to see something out of the ordinary. My mind wandered to unusual stories of churches handling snakes. Was this one of those churches?  How many pictures of unfortunate souls would I find hanging on the back wall of the church, of those who didn’t survive their test of faith?

Although the extreme ritual of handling venomous snakes was more commonly a tradition in churches across Appalachia, Georgia, Alabama, and North Carolina, my senses were on high alert. What other dangers might I encounter? There appeared to be only one exit at the rear of the church, at least that was visible from where I sat, some infinite number of rows away, or so it seemed. I would make a quiet mental note of it just in case I needed to make my escape.

But before I let my imagination spiral any further, I realized that this wasn’t that kind of church. Still, the intensity of it all left me feeling a bit on edge, uncertain about what to expect next.

The following week, after I’d had time to process the previous week’s experience, I returned—but this time with someone other than Stan. Patty was open to the experience which I shared upfront with her, so there would be no surprises. “Lean on Me” had now slipped to the number two spot on the pop charts, but the song’s message still lingered with me. This time something shifted in me as I entered the church. I felt more at ease. The presence of God felt real, almost as if He were wrapping His arms around me, someone I could lean on for strength. Perhaps it was the lyrics to “Lean on Me” that echoed in my head – “When you’re not strong, I’ll help you carry on.”

Pastor Williams — wearing dark sunglasses and singing his message to a jazz organist –suddenly stopped in the middle of his sermon and pointed his finger directly at me and Patty. In his deep and confident voice, he declared, “You are going to have a good sleep tonight; one of the best”. The words hung in the air like a mystery as Patty and I exchanged confused glances at each other. We had absolutely no idea what he meant.

He then continued, his gaze locking onto mine with a piercing intensity as he recited Isaiah 56:7 – “These I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer”. I didn’t know what to make of those words at the time, and thought little of them in the moment, letting them slip from my mind. But something in the air felt different, like there was more to what he had said than I understood. Without missing a beat, Pastor Williams picked up right where he left off, preaching and prophesying to the congregation as if nothing had interrupted his message.

After the service, we said our goodbyes to Chuck who had invited us and said we’d meet him back at Camp Happyland. We travelled in separate cars. With my windows rolled down in my 1968 Volkswagen Beetle, the wind tousled my hair and drummed my ears, offering a small relief from the oppressive heat of the night. The cool breeze felt like a temporary escape, but I still couldn’t shake the question regarding the pastor’s declaration. This couldn’t be what the pastor meant, could it?

The drive back was filled with more questions than answers, and for Patty, the experience was equally as unfamiliar as it had been for Stan. But, unlike Stan, she was more open to the experience. While Stan had bolted for the exit, Patty had stayed, absorbing every moment. She may not have fully understood the experience, but she also didn’t recoil from it as Stan had. Yet, the service, the prophecies, the unusual experiences—were all too much to fully comprehend in the moment. It was a lot to take in. Could it be that God had used that service and the strange events of the night to reveal something deeper? Something I couldn’t see yet?

It wasn’t until we were back at Camp Happyland that the realization of what the pastor had prophesied became clear, evidence of the power from above. Every night was sweltering from the heat and humidity, with no air conditioning to offer relief. On this particular day, the heat index reached a staggering 103.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

I walked Patty back to her cabin and was just about to say goodnight when something unexpected happened. When she opened the door, she found a fan in the middle of her room, blowing cool air. “Where did that come from?” she exclaimed, in disbelief. We both stood there for a moment, completely caught off guard, unable to explain how it had appeared. Yet somehow, it felt like the fan had been placed there just for her. She smiled. We said good night, and I returned to my cabin while she went into hers. The cool breeze from the fan gently stirred Patty’s curtains. Later, Patty told me that as she lay down, the quiet hum and cool air wrapped around her, lulling her into a restful sleep—unlike the usual sweltering heat of the night that left her tossing and turning. She would have the best sleep ever that night.

The next morning, I learned that the fan had gone missing from the dining hall, and no one seemed to know how it ended up in Patty’s room. Word spread quickly, and before long, there was an inquisition. I, for some reason, was their number one suspect in the “Case of the Missing Dining Hall Fan”, despite knowing nothing about it.

The fan was promptly returned to the dining hall where it belonged, and the fuss over it gradually died down; however, there were still unanswered questions. For some, it may remain one of life’s “Unsolved Mysteries.” Yet, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something deeper was at work in it all—something that connected the fan’s strange appearance with the pastor’s words and the miraculous night of rest Patty experienced.

For many of us, God’s small miracles are a revelation, proof that He exists, that He cares for us, and that He is actively involved in the details of our lives. But they are also evidence of His goodness, power, and majesty. For Patty, who attended the service out of curiosity and skepticism, the pastor’s prophetic word and the unexpected appearance of the fan in her room for both of us were proof that this was not a coincidence but rather a God-incidence or God wink. These winks are like a smile from Father God, as if He is saying, “I see you, I know you, and I’m always here.”  They come in ways we don’t expect, just like Pastor Williams’s prophetic word to Patty, yet they are always meant to cause our hearts to turn towards Him, a wink that stirs something deep within us, calling us to know Him more intimately.

Reflecting on my experiences at both Camp Happyland and the Pentecostal church, I realized that, despite the differences, both groups of people were seeking the same thing: healing and deliverance in some form or another. Whether it was the patients at the camp searching for mental and physical relief or the congregants at the church crying out for spiritual freedom, they all shared a common need for God’s love and compassion.

Through these experiences, God was showing me that His love was the key to healing—whether of body, mind, or spirit. In both places, the need was the same: a longing for wholeness of body and mind, and comfort only His love could bring. And I came to realize that His love is the thread that connects not only their struggles but all of ours, offering hope and transformation. It became clear to me that no matter where we, who we are or what we’re going through, God’s love is the healing power that has the ability to restore us in ways beyond our understanding.

Copyright 2015 by Bill Hutzel

Revised 2025


“Camp Happyland” was written by Bill Hutzel.

.Voiceover by Eleven Labs