Your children will be like olive shoots around your table

Welcome toMe and Aleigh my blog site, a site for sharing inspiration and hope in a world that so desperately needs it.

Why hope?  Because without hope, dreams are not possible. Without hope, the present moment can be unbearable.

Why inspiration?  Because to have hope and understanding, we need to be inspired to believe that all things are possible with God.

My name is Bill Hutzel  The picture you see here is of me holding my daughter.  That was many years ago.  She is all grown up now, but she is still my little girl.  I had been blessed with her after 10 years of hoping and waiting.  More than 32 years ago she was only a dream.  Then one day I got the bad news from the fertility specialists that my wife had a blocked fallopian tube and other complications, so it was doubtful that we might ever have our own children without very aggressive fertility treatments and as a last resort, in vitro fertilization.  It was shortly thereafter that I attended a healing service and went forward for prayer.   The preacher’s name was Joe Garlington. He prayed over me and prophesied that I would have my own child, and spoke the following verse to me from Psalm 128:3-4 – “Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.  Yes, this will be the blessing for the man who fears the LORD.”   I think I promised Joe that I would name him Joseph.  Sorry Joe, but it was a girl!  We named her Alexandra Leigh (Aleigh for short).

Not One, but Four … Prophecy Fulfilled

I am now not only blessed with my special and beautiful daughter Aleigh, but three amazing sons, Griff, Rhett, and Dawson.  My children are like olive shoots around our table. And each one has a special characteristic of me ingrained in them.  God loved me so much that, even before I knew Peggy as my wife, he placed certain characteristics of each of the boys in her womb that matched mine so that I might be blessed.  It’s overwhelming to me that God loves me that much.