On the last day of our mission trip to Brazil, I randomly opened my Bible to the following passage in Luke 10. I looked down on the page and this is what I read – “When the seventy missionaries returned to Jesus, they were ecstatic with joy, telling him, “Lord, even the demons obeyed us when we commanded them in your name!” Jesus replied, “While you were ministering, I watched Satan topple until he fell suddenly from heaven like lightning to the ground. Now you understand that I have imparted to you all my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will be able to harm you as you walk in this authority. However, your real source of joy isn’t merely that these spirits submit to your authority, but that your names are written in the journals of heaven and that you belong to God’s kingdom. This is the true source of your authority.” Then Jesus, overflowing with the Holy Spirit’s anointing of joy, exclaimed, “Father, thank you for you are Lord Supreme over heaven and earth! You have hidden the great revelation of this authority from those who are proud, those wise in their own eyes, and you have shared it with these who humbled themselves. Yes, Father. This is what pleases your heart and the very way you’ve chosen to extend your kingdom: to give to those who become like trusting children” (Luke 10:17-21 TPT).
I’ve never encountered before a people so hungry for the Word of God. Truly, they came like trusting children (Luke 10:21) and for it, they received. There’s a revival going on in Brazil that is transforming the nation.
Wow! There could have been no other passage in the Bible that could have more accurately summed up our mission trip this week and the great number of salvations, and physical and emotional healings, further substantiating what Jesus said: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:12-14).
Our team of 39 people, representing 5 different countries (US, UK, Canada, Australia and Switzerland) met together the morning of Tuesday, March 19th at the airport in Rio to bus transfer to our accomodations in Niteroi. From there we were bussed to various locations during the week to evangelize and bring healing and revival to hundreds of Brazilian’s.
On the first day, we immediately hit the ground running as we received impartation that afternoon by Blaine Cook and Kim Maas, and were already doing ministry all together that evening at a church service. For the rest of the week, 4 ministry teams with 9-10 people each were allocated to rotate doing ministry among 5 different churches. As I did not speak Portuguese, except for a handful of phrases, I was provided with a translator. I was grateful.
God showed up in power throughout the week, bringing the passion of Jesus and revival to the Brazilians through teaching, impartation, and ministry, spreading the good news of God’s love, mercy, grace and compassion. Many were emotionally healed, physically healed, delivered, and saved. We saw 13 blind eyes opened, 7 deaf ears opened, 13 tumors and cysts disappear, 4 metal miracles and 1 lame person walk. These were just some of the 339 physical healings, 28 sovereign healings, and 315 emotional deliverances that we saw. Hallelujah!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
If you would like further details and testimonies, please click on the following links and we will periodically be posting more under the menu item “Brazil Mission Trip 2019.”
Seeing the Miracle Happen
2 Healing Stories
Boy with Hearing and Vision Loss Healed
If you sowed into our ministry via prayers and/or finances, you have reaped ALL the blessings along with us. As is usual, we often think we are going to bless, but God in His kingdom does the reverse and HE blesses us!!
“I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!” (John 14:12, TPT)
Copyright 2019 by Bill Hutzel and Peggy Castorri-Hutzel