No matter how obvious something seems, it just may not be what you think. There is an expression that says “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck”? And rarely, is what appears to be an obvious truth, not the truth. This …
Author Archives: Bill Hutzel
Time with God Cannot Be Hurried
Forgive the cliché, but in a “fast food world” and in an America where men would like their cars fast from 0 to 60 in 3.9 seconds, I suppose many of us regard prayer in the same way. Fast is okay, we think. Let’s just get our prayer done and get the show on the …
Ducklings remind us to never give up
My niece Tracy Hutzel and Jason David posted to YouTube a video of ducklings trying to climb stairs in order to be united with their mother who was just ahead of them at the top of the stairs. To them, the stairs were their Mt. Everest. The video went viral and has over 3 million …
The Fumble
Ever had that “uh-oh” moment, that sinking feeling? We all make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes lose games, so to speak. In our minds and hearts, we often know what the right thing to do is because God speaks to us through our minds and hearts; but sometimes, our stubbornness, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance get in …
My Way or God’s Way
When you feel stressed or encounter difficulties, do you let those stresses and difficulties alert you to your need for God, or are you quick to solve them yourself? One Saturday morning during a Pause Ministry men’s meeting and breakfast, a title on the book shelf caught my eye. It was “The Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual”. …