Ducklings remind us to never give up

My niece Tracy Hutzel and Jason David posted to YouTube a video of ducklings trying to climb stairs in order to be united with their mother who was just ahead of them at the top of the stairs. To them, the stairs were their Mt. Everest.  The video went viral and has over 3 million views.  You will enjoy this short video.

ABC News reported, “These little ducklings are the perfect reminder to never give up on your goals, big or small”.

Similarly, we too should never give up on our deepest desires, and our quest to be victorious in prayer. Sometimes, however, things just don’t come easy, and I too am challenged by the steps I need to ascend. For me, as an example, it might be when I pray for something and it seems that God does not hear my prayers. I am impatient. But God would encourage me to keep persisting, just as we are reminded in the video of the ducklings who never stopped trying until they achieved their goal of being re-united with their mother who stayed near, and who never abandoned them.

What do you strive for?  What is your Mt. Everest?  For me, God also reminds me to pray fervently and keep at it. But my mind flitters back and forth between Him and my tasks for the day, my concerns and worries. Sometimes I don’t know what to pray, and prayer is seemingly dry and unproductive. Be encouraged though, and don’t give up. Paul encourages us to “strive to pray” (Romans 15:30).  Whether you feel like it or not, just do it!  That is half of the battle won.  “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God for you” (I Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Many people I have spoken to, either because they are too busy or because they can’t focus, do not strive or persist at prayer, and give up too easily.  One person I know, went to her pastor after trying to set aside a time to pray, and said to her pastor that it was too hard to pray and that she was giving up; not like the ducklings who in the video persisted and persisted until they conquered their Mt. Everest.

Interestingly, the mother duck in the video waited just ahead of her flock of ducks until all were united before moving on.  She never abandoned them. God too is faithful and waits for us, for it says in Deuteronomy 31:8 that “the LORD is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged”.

Copyright 2014 by Bill Hutzel

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  1. So adorable! That Mommy took care of her Ducklings just like our Daddy takes care of us. Yes, He will NEVER leave us or forsake us. What could be better than that. Just keep that in mind when the next trial comes along. Press in deeper into a more intimate relationship with Him. Make time for prayer & time for solitude with our Creator and then watch how much easier you can climb your Mt. Everest.

  2. I find that at the times I m having difficulty praying, I need to go back to Centering Prayer. A way to pray wordlessly or focus in on just one word. My word is Peace. I settle my body in a comfortable position, breathe slowly and comfortably, when my body is relaxed I close my eyes. In my mind I visualize a single candle and begin saying Peace (silently) to myself. This opens my heart to God. After a time I stop saying the prayer word and allow myself to be open to God. If thoughts or words come to the surface, I return to repeating the word Peace until my mind is open and calm. I have used Centering for about 30 years off and on. In times of stress or struggle this is the way I always go back to. God is indeed there in the quiet.

    1. I am familiar with the exercise of Centering Prayer, although I do not practice it. Perhaps I should try it again. I attended a seminar once where they actually used a candle as opposed to imagining it. However, at home I have sometimes centered by playing a worship CD with a headset on to shut out distractions. This tends to also center my prayer when I concentrate on the words of the song. But I too have a difficulty focusing at times as well. That’s probably why I wrote a post called “Mind Noise” ( in December of 2014. It’s worth a glance and a laugh to see my funny face.

      Thank you for sharing this.

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