A young man in his early 20’s came for prayer because he had a cyst growing behind his left ear. He had surgery to remove it a couple of years earlier, but it came back. I looked at it and it was red and swollen about 5mm and it was probably just over an inch in length. My translator was a believer, so I told her she was qualified to pray with me so we both put our hands by his ear, careful not to touch the cyst because it was so painful to touch. We welcomed the Holy Spirit to come and then I cast out the cyst and told it to leave in Jesus’ name. We looked and it looked about 25% smaller. We thanked Jesus for what He was doing, and we prayed again. It went down more to about 50%. He felt it and said it was definitely smaller and not as sore. We prayed a third time, and nothing happened. I told him about how there can be things that interfere with healing such as unforgiveness and I asked if there was anybody he needed to forgive. He said he needed to forgive his father. So, he prayed to forgive his father for the things he did and how it made him feel. I asked if there was anybody else he needed to forgive and he said himself. So, he forgave himself. This time I told my translator not to touch the cyst. I explained that I had prayed for something like this before and it disappeared, but I didn’t see it because I wasn’t looking at it and I didn’t want to miss it again. So, we prayed, and we watched this thing get smaller and smaller until the swelling was gone, and the redness was gone. It probably only took about 15 seconds. My translator was ecstatic! I was excited to have SEEN my first miracle (visibly as it shrunk) and the young man wept and wept. I asked if I could record his testimony on my phone and he agreed to it. On the video, the translator and the young man looked like they could have been a couple as it was such an intimate time with the Lord, and they had just met the 15-20 minutes prior. When he could finally speak, he said he could feel God holding his hand. Instead of talking about the physical healing, the presence of God’s love was what moved him. I asked him on the video how much pain was left, and he said, “Gone”. I asked what size his cyst was now, “Gone”. And he fell over weeping leaning on the wall. The translator fell to her knees in worship, arms fully extended to heaven. I fell over laughing at the goodness of God and the translator did as well. We hugged and we praised God. It was very special. -Lindsay Crosby Denham
Beautiful testimony of God’s healing power with forgiveness moving the obstacle to full healing and that he could feel God holding his hand. Praise God!
I love the Global Awakening ministry and have been to Mechanicsburg, PA for a Pursuit conference and a class elsewhere. God is really moving around the globe!
Cate Bell
Thanks, Cate. The Brazil Mission trip was life-changing. I’ve not been to the Pursuit Conference but have been to Voice of the Apostles and Voice of the Prophets.