As far back as I can remember, I loved walking on the beach in Bay Head, New Jersey, in the early morning when the sun rises in the east. Listening to the waves roll in and the simple joy of looking for sea glass have always been cherished pastimes of mine since I was a little boy. Even now, in my later years, it remains one of my favorite things to do.
For example, I would fill my pockets with a rainbow of colored sea glass polished by the sea, frosted blues, aquamarines, pinks, and other unexpected treasures. The joy of finding these gems, their edges worn smooth by the surf, never faded, no matter my age.
Then, when I met Peggy, I couldn’t wait to share this special part of my life with her. One afternoon, we drove to Bay Head, eager to experience the peace of the shore together. Upon arrival, we found a quiet, secluded spot on the sand, far enough from the water’s edge to escape the crowd so we wouldn’t be disturbed. It was the perfect place for reminiscing and exchanging stories.
We laid out a couple of towels and settled in. The air and the sand were warm, with not a cloud in the sky. The gentle lull of the waves transported me back to my younger years, flooding my mind with fond memories that I eagerly shared with her.
As we sat there, getting to know each other better, what stood out most to me about Peggy was her profound intimacy with God, a connection far deeper than anything I had ever known. With kindness and a genuine desire for me to experience that same closeness, she gently invited me into that depth, encouraging me to explore the quiet places within where God waits to be found.
In her gentle, caring way, she asked me to close my eyes and envision where I could see Jesus. Where is Jesus right now? she asked softly. Her voice was calm, stirring something deep inside of me. I didn’t resist her invitation, though normally I might have, held back by my vulnerability and doubts that often stifled the freedom to let my imagination wander freely, unrestrained by the walls I’d built around it. But with Peggy, I felt a quiet peace. Instead, I allowed myself to be drawn into the deepest recesses of my mind, where God was calling me to meet Him.
As I listened to the waves, watching them wash up on shore, I became mesmerized by their ebb and flow, imagining them gently lapping at my feet while we sat further back from the water’s edge. The beauty of the waves and the soft sound of their crashing drew me in, allowing me to go deep, blocking the distant hum of passing cars, the cacophony of chatter from beachgoers, and the distractions of this world. Gradually, Peggy’s voice began to fade as I found myself transported, lost entirely somewhere else, in the stillness where God was waiting for me.
In my mind, I saw myself drifting far out in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. It was peaceful, and as I listened, all I could hear was God’s soothing voice. His gentle waves caressed me, tender and caring, like the soft stroke of a woman’s hand upon my arm.
At that moment, I became lost in my thoughts, focused solely on God’s calming presence. He did not seem troubled by things I am frequently troubled by. Instead, He spoke to me with love and compassion. “Go deep,” he whispered. “Go deep, go deep. I love you. I want to reach deep inside you and reveal Myself to you in a more powerful way than has ever been revealed to you before. Go deep, go deep, and meet me where I am. Don’t be afraid. I will swim with you. I will uphold you. You are tethered to me. You cannot be lost or pulled from my arms. You are mine, always. Go deep and meet me where I am. Don’t hold anything back. Swim with me, won’t you? Don’t hold on to your surfboard; dive into my presence. I am your safety now.”
He was calling me to a place deeper than my feet could ever tread, to an intimacy I had never experienced before.
The lyrics from the song Oceans by Hillsong beautifully capture the depth of my feelings in that moment. As I was called to step into the unknown, I found God’s presence waiting for me in the deepest waters.”
You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand.
And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine.
Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You’ve never failed and You won’t start now
And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine.
God wanted me to be alone with Him, inviting my attention and worship in the quiet of my mind and spirit. As I surrendered, He washed over me as waves of joy, and I was filled with awe at the beauty of His creation, the ocean, the waves, the sky, the sand, and the woman beside me. I couldn’t help but wonder, How could anyone not marvel at the glory of God’s creation?
Copyright 2019 (revised 2025)
“Take Me Deeper” was written by Bill Hutzel.
.Voice over by Eleven Labs
Musical segment and lyrics from “Oceans” by Hillsong
Absolutely beautiful, powerful thoughts! Holy spirit entrenchment, submersion!
Thank you for sharing, Bill.
Thank you, Catherine.