To Be, We Must, We Will — WE ARE!

We are the wheat[1]; we are the wheat-harvest[2]. There will never be an unripe time for us to serve God and all of our humanity, and there was never a more ripe time such as now.

If we survey the troubled waters that have engulfed our world, it is all too apparent that we have lost who we are. Our humanity lies in shambles before us, but we can give it life again.

To do this, we must simply come back to God and return to who we were originally created to be: the mirror image of God Himself. It is only in Him and through Him that we will find everything we need, everything we seek, and everything we were meant to be.

May God bless you abundantly.

Inspiration by Dahlia Grgic, 2018
email: [email protected]


Dahlia Grgic is an emerging public speaker who simply enjoys interacting with humans more than computers. Although she has a degree in Computer Science and currently works in Information Technology, her vision and true passion are to restore our humanity by serving, teaching, and healing.

The drive behind her motives?  God, and a compassion, love, and charity for all people.


Excerpt from

[1] Biblical meaning of wheat = love and charity

[2] Biblical meaning of wheat-harvest = is an advancing state of love and charity. The reason why a wheat-harvest signifies an advancing state of love and charity, is that a field signifies the church, and thus the things of the church; and the seeds sown in the field signify the things of good and truth; and the plants born from them, such as wheat, barley, and other grains, signify the things of love and charity, and also of faith. The states of the church in regard to these things are therefore compared to seedtime and harvest. 

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